How I came to this blog

For as long as I can remember I had been so excited about my 30th birthday. It was going to be a big year for me, I could feel it. I had no idea a breast cancer diagnosis would turn out to be the reason. I was actually told I had "early breast cancer" at 29, about three weeks before my 30th birthday. What I had is called Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS), which is also considered "stage 0 breast cancer." While it was caught at the earliest possible stage, and my life was never in immediate danger, I still had to undergo mastectomy, including lymph node removal, and reconstruction. My birthday came and went a couple weeks before my mastectomy. More than once I looked down at the "F 30" on my hospital bracelet and wondered, "where did my 30th birthday go?" This will definitely be an interesting year.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

New Support Group on Long Island

One of the awesome resources offered by Young Survival Coalition (YSC), the breast cancer organization I volunteer with as a State Leader, is the F2F Networking program.

YSC "offers resources, connections and outreach so women feel supported, empowered and hopeful" and F2F (Face 2 Face) Networks offer all those things at once. 

According to the YSC website, "Local YSC Face 2 Face networks are support and networking for Young Women Affected by Breast Cancer (YWABC). YSC F2F networks are local grassroots groups that allow you and other YWABC in your community to connect!"

Before each of my breast cancer surgeries I attended these F2F meetings at the New York City headquarters of YSC. They were, and still are, called "WOW" meetings (Women on Wednesdays. Yes, we love our acronyms at YSC!). These meetings were so much more than support group gatherings. I met many strong women who, while going through a difficult time themselves, just wanted to reach out to other women like them to share information and resources they'd come across.
I still keep in touch with a few of those women to this day, including at least one person who has taken a leadership role in the organization. So, yeah, it's a lot more than a support group. It is a community. The experiences and resources I got from going to WOW F2F meetings got me through my surgeries like nothing else could.

YSC F2F meetings can be found across the country and if you can't find one in your area, you can start your own! This page lists current F2F groups, instructions on how to search for your local F2F on, and instructions for starting your own F2F. 

Now, there is a new F2F group on Long Island, in Plainview. From their meetup page:

"This network is designed for breast cancer survivors diagnosed in their 40’s or younger regardless of your current age. Whether you have just been diagnosed, are still undergoing treatments or are several years out, join us to connect with other young women who have faced breast cancer. In a relaxed setting, you can connect with other young breast cancer survivors just like you, find out about available resources, ask questions, make new friends and be assured that you are not alone."

This group typically meets two Wednesdays per month, from 7:00 - 8:30 PM eastern.

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