How I came to this blog

For as long as I can remember I had been so excited about my 30th birthday. It was going to be a big year for me, I could feel it. I had no idea a breast cancer diagnosis would turn out to be the reason. I was actually told I had "early breast cancer" at 29, about three weeks before my 30th birthday. What I had is called Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS), which is also considered "stage 0 breast cancer." While it was caught at the earliest possible stage, and my life was never in immediate danger, I still had to undergo mastectomy, including lymph node removal, and reconstruction. My birthday came and went a couple weeks before my mastectomy. More than once I looked down at the "F 30" on my hospital bracelet and wondered, "where did my 30th birthday go?" This will definitely be an interesting year.

Monday, July 15, 2013

My New Position with Young Survival Coalition

 Hi everyone,

Some great new updates:

1. I have a beautiful new nutrition & fitness website at

2. I have started teaching Zumba classes and will be holding an event next month, Friday August 9 @ 7P and Sunday August 11 @ 11A, at 440 Studios, 440 Lafayette, near Astor Place (in Manhattan). Only $10 per class or $18 for both. We are going to have so much fun! No previous Zumba or dance experienced required to have fun at this dance fitness party! Details & RSVP form can be found here:

3. Last but not least, I have an exciting announcement about my volunteer work with the Young Survival Coalition...