How I came to this blog

For as long as I can remember I had been so excited about my 30th birthday. It was going to be a big year for me, I could feel it. I had no idea a breast cancer diagnosis would turn out to be the reason. I was actually told I had "early breast cancer" at 29, about three weeks before my 30th birthday. What I had is called Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS), which is also considered "stage 0 breast cancer." While it was caught at the earliest possible stage, and my life was never in immediate danger, I still had to undergo mastectomy, including lymph node removal, and reconstruction. My birthday came and went a couple weeks before my mastectomy. More than once I looked down at the "F 30" on my hospital bracelet and wondered, "where did my 30th birthday go?" This will definitely be an interesting year.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Career Kick-Off & New Cancer Resources

Family, friends (& friends of friends)...

The last time I posted it was Spring and I was 3/4 of the way through my Dietetic Internship at NewYork-Presbyterian hospital. Now, it is Autumn, we are approaching Halloween, I have graduated from the internship almost two months ago and am preparing to sit for the exam that is the final hurdle before becoming a Registered Dietitian. So, it looks like it has been awhile - - so long that I managed to skip over an entire season.

I'm back now because I have some new resources I am adding to the site and I also want to share the latest updates. Since graduation I have been catching up on all the things that I neglected during the internship. Unfortunately, that included a couple doctor appointments I was slightly overdue for. I recently went in for a clinical exam and a breast ultrasound. I am happy to say that everything looks good.

While I was at the clinical exam I was killing time by reading magazines and came across a new resource to add to this site. was created by Jen Singer who, when she was diagnosed with stage 3 non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in 2007, when her kids were 10 and 8, googled "parenting with cancer" and just could not find the kind of comprehensive resource she was looking for. Jen is now in remission and is working to make her site the resource she had searched for during her own experience with cancer. 

I came across a second resource while checking my Twitter account. Lovely Katie Lumps (a fellow blogspot blog) caught my attention because it is written by another young lady who was diagnosed with breast cancer in her 20s and there just isn't enough out there for young women facing this diagnosis.

"Hang on...Twitter account?" you say? Yes. During the course of the internship year I discovered that I want to merge my background in media planning with my new skills and knowledge in nutrition. I'd love to work for a public relations or food company and eventually do freelance consulting and writing. A moment after having this revelation I realized I would need to work on my online presence. I re-started a nutrition blog I had created back in 2009 and expanded on it with Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest & Google+ accounts. I named the brand Piece O Cake and even worked with my wonderfully talented and generous Titis (aunts) Lydia & Awilda to get a professional look. Titi Lydia took my headshots and Titi Awilda invited me to work with her graphic design class at Guilford Technical Community College to design my logo.  It was D that pointed out to me that I should add my Piece O Cake blog as a general nutrition resource on this site.

So, there you have it: things are going well with my health, education & career. The new resources I've mentioned will be added to the list on the right frame. Over time a number of people have asked me if they can forward this blog to friends & coworkers who are newly diagnosed. That is what this blog is for! So that, hopefully, my experience can help others. With that in mind, I try to remember to keep updating the resources list as often as possible.

Love you all!

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